Hi, my name is Melvin. Thanks for checking out my site. I love technology, I love creating content, and I love sharing what I learn. I believe that we have a responsibility to share what we learn and experience with others, and that is what I am doing. Thank you for coming along with me on my journey.

Follow Me on Instagram

I started a YouTube channel awhile ago. I share sneaker videos, interviews, drone videos, and footage from projects I am working on. Click here to check out my videos.

These are some of the projects and business ideas that I have developed. I’ll update you once they go live so you can share them with friends, and support in any way you can.

CardiacGlue is a website that I created to help you share what’s in your heart.
Melvin Riley Jr. business CardiacGlue

A.W.A.R.E. Lifestyle is a Christian-based clothing company that I started as a way to publicly share my love for Jesus Christ.
Melvin Riley Jr. A.W.A.R.E. Lifestyle

CardiacDreams is a company I started so I could help people accomplish their goals and dreams.
Melvin Riley Jr. CardiacDreams