5 Questions To Ask Before Buying A New Camera

Melvin Riley Jr. 5 questions

Thinking about buying a new camera? Here are five questions to ask yourself before you make that purchase. I’ve spoken with many people who were interested in buying a new camera, and I asked them what features and aspects of a camera were most important. One of the mistakes that I made with past purchases was only thinking about my present interests and not what I might like in the future. Make sure you take that into consideration when making your purchase.

I hope these five questions help you along your purchasing journey:

1. What Do I Want To Capture? Some options are portraits, street photography, sports photography, wildlife, baby showers, landscape, fashion and modeling, and documentary films? Is your primary focus capturing photos or recording video?

2. What Am I Currently Using To Capture? Do you have an Android device or an iPhone? Maybe you have an older camera that’s just lying around or a friend’s camera that you occasionally use.

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