Caroline is one of the twins I met and is the more outgoing of the two.

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42.5mm f/1.2 ISO 200 and 1/200 sec

Favorite Shots

Here are a few of the photos that I took of Caroline.

42.5mm f/1.2 ISO 200 and 1/200 sec
42.5mm f/1.2 ISO 200 and 1/200 sec
42.5mm f/1.2 ISO 200 and 1/200 sec
42.5mm f/1.2 ISO 200 and 1/200 sec

Photo Collage

Here is a collage of the photos that I took of Caroline.

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Hi! My name is Melvin and I love learning, creating, and sharing. Lately I've been learning how to love myself and now I'm creating the life I want. Would you like to join me on this journey?